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We will review your information and contact you shortly.
In the meantime, should you need immediate help or have any questions, please call our office at 503-650-1731.
Client suffered head injuries including concussion symptoms. Client received a $350,000 settlement.
The client suffered multiple injuries following an ATV accident on private property. Client received $1.1 million as a settlement of her claim.
Client suffered serious injuries after being struck as a pedestrian. Client’s claim settled for $1.6 million.
Client involved in two separate car accidents in a one-year span. Client received $225,000.
Client suffered knee injury in motor vehicle accident. Client received a $500,000 settlement.
Client suffered a head injury and soft tissue injuries. Client received a $410,000 settlement.
Client was injured in a car accident caused by an uninsured driver. Client was awarded $250,000 in uninsured motorist benefits.
Client suffered spinal injuries in an auto accident. Client received $350,000 in total settlement proceeds.
Client fell on a poorly maintained sidewalk. Client’s case settled for $60,000.
Cole Tait PC assisted a client with a class action claim for a hip replacement failure. Client compensation was $576,000.
Client suffered a knee injury in an auto accident. Client received $125,000 in compensation.
Client suffered ankle and foot injuries in motor vehicle accident caused by defective safety protocols at road construction site.
Client wrongfully terminated for Jury Service. After appeal to Ninth Circuit, Client received confidential settlement.
Client and daughter abandoned following illness on travel tour to Russia.
Clients brought claims after wrongful loss of inheritance.